Not-So-Boring Ab Exercises That Will Have You Sweating in Minutes
Contrary to popular belief, ab exercises don’t have to e boring at all. As a matter of fact, they’re the most fun to build. The reason why people dread working on abs so much is because it’s easier to build mirror muscles that gives one the appurtenance of working out rather than actually being fit.
Also, most fat cells accumulate in the midsection which makes it more difficult for the abs to show. But it’s not about being showy with your core as much as it is about having a strong midsection that can help you with literally any other activity that you do.
From waking up in the morning to maintaining balance as you walk or run; everything requires your core, so training your core muscles in a fun way is keen to ensuring you’re able to do everything that you want.
Let’s have a look at some ab exercises that will make you look forward to your next workout.
1. Single-Leg
Deadlift – The same way that you would perform a deadlift with a barbell, do
the same with a pair of dumbbells but with a slight variation. Instead of
squatting down straight with the weights in your hand, band over with one leg
in the air, toes pointing straight and out while you squat with the other leg.
Once you come back to the starting position, do it with the other leg. That’s
one whole rep. Do 12-15 reps to a set for as many sets as you can.
2. Reverse
Lunge with Twist – Instead of lunging forward like you normally would, take a
step back from your standing position to perform the lunge and do a little
twist with a dumbbell win your hands. This is a challenging exercise for your
core and helps you build a strong oblique.
3. Alternating Planks – From a normal plank position bend one arm at the elbow followed by the other and then do the reverse. Once you’ve completed one cycle that’s one rep. Do 15-20 reps to a set for a least 3 sets. The trick with this exercise is to do it quick while controlling your breath. It’s a great anaerobic exercise and will heal quickly so you can include it in every workout.
There are
many yoga and weight training workouts online that can help you find fun
exercises for you to do. If you wish to get your routine mapped out by an
expert professional head over to today!
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